Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"The Lions Prayer"

O Sovereign

Lift us up

To the horizon of Thy beauty

So that we may see within us the light of your

Intention shine in the shadows of our hearts.

Cool the burning flame, so that we may

See beyond this darkness and strengthen
Our own souls with the wisdom of Creation.

We are sick once again with war

Like ancient times.

The Earth now takes on a great fever,

So that it can repair itself and become whole and healthy.

O Shelter of the winds,
O Creation of the sky,
Here we ride on the wings of time,

To the clouds of distant memories,

May we all find the nourishment in Creation,

May we all see the glory in one another.

We stand ready and willing.

May we come together with a lions heart,

And see
each other with one eye


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Ginnastica Mentale 'Mental Training' or exercise. It literally means mental gymnastics. I pour out my vision here as a way to express my souls longings.