Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"The Master Artist and the Human" (new message on preparing for furutre events)

Episode 3 (with music by Judy Satori & Ocremix)

In a new Time Space,
a new life for you and earth,
what will you do when it happens?
Everyone knew we couldn't continue the way we have been.
So when the sun brings to us a much anticipated impact, a major solar (soular) event
and all that we rely on is changed, turned off, how do you react?

Our reactions (emotional energetic response) will either increase our own self inflicted chaos, or we
can go through this transition with Gaia and come out of this time of darkness and into the new
Golden Age, where the new human tribe lives once again. If you realize this then say to yourself,
when you feel the most vulnerable,

I channel in order to dream
Inspiring intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the resonant tone of attunement
I am guided by the power of vision

Know that in order to evolve at the level thats needed we must be brought to our knees, all of the good and all of the bad must be cleansed to enter into this new life. Humanity has a lot that it needs to see to wake up, for we have been so stuck in denial and need for external fulfillment.

In this transition the first correction is in our feelings/emotions and then our actions/ projections. All of this will be tested to its limits. Many new souls are unaware of what is happening but many old souls are here specifically for this time. We have lost touch with nature, but this is when we see how important nature is to us.

We have come to the point where we live but are unaware that our existence here has become none viable, we cannot survive the way we live, think, feel and act. Its all without proper awareness of our true history and origins and its all without the true knowledge of life outside of this world. With all of the things that will occur, mankind will then be made aware of all that it has forgotten....

In this new time space we will transcend all the limitations over all these many years
and the re-discovering of our true core being will take film root.

This is our future. Look at it, feel it, learn and discover more about
what it may mean to you, find your lasting power, investigate
your inner vision, see what your soul has to offer.


The process of simply gathering the information yourself about the ET presence that has been here all along, covered up, the threat of N Korea with missile attacks to US, which if happens, will be intercepted, (by ufo) ET presence will be confirmed very shortly as sightings are occurring now more and more. It will be one of the main discoveries during and after the coming events unfold so learning about this now will greatly assist your awareness.

It is time to learn something profound, but only if you are open to it, now. Choose to get your mind squeezed even if you think its crazy and are in disbelief. Take one look at the the condition of our earth and you will see that we have been avoiding something and also have been kept in the dark about something. Take a step back, put your beliefs behind you for once and open your eyes.

By raising the vibration of the entire earth we all become cosmic vibratory roots and we fully take control of who we are as a unified human race, that in so doing we then have the potential (a door is unlocked) to make ourselves an open frequency for official contact with other beings that are no more different than we are. The problem is that we attract too much chaos (emotionally out of sync - unaligned with soul) and are too easily controlled.

We are experiencing "amnesia of the past" but in this process (in the next 2 months and during the next 2 years) we will discover just how vast life is everywhere but we must SEE FIRST the complexity of our situation right now.

We have to learn ::how:: to accept a change in our programing, a change in our lifestyle, a change complete change in our thinking of what we originally thought life was.

Acceptance will go a long way, accept that this isn't working, that we are fed many things materially and in the media to keep us distracted and when you hear that it is to keep us controlled, then you may want to consider how to rise above this just with this awareness, for these are the tools. Accept where you are at, this is OK but taking full responsibility of ones self and not rely on anyone to do it for us.

Search within your feelings before you start to think and act. Realize that acceptance is a key to finding truth, just deal with it, with what you are learning and see how you can mindfully work with the new situations that we will be facing. All old systems have to vanish to reclaim our true power, to reclaim your freedom. This new time will be re-learning and remembering, going out of our brain and into our hearts.

You don't need hope or fear,
you just need to be present to what is.

All my love to you,
Afra Sohar

About Me

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Ginnastica Mentale 'Mental Training' or exercise. It literally means mental gymnastics. I pour out my vision here as a way to express my souls longings.