We sit in a prison with the key in our hand ~ Rumi
The spirit, this universal self, is confused with the empirical self as a result of mental impurities. When a human being breaks through the veil surrounding his self and removes the shrouds of the material urge that restrict and cover it, he instantly acquires - in the physical body - the determination of his BEING.*
And what are these
veils surrounding ones self…
“They see only their shadows, and their shadows are their laws.”
― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
The veils can be anything, religion, money, relationships, egos, desires ..
It seems, I have studied this for so long…
Dear companions,
It is the purpose to describe here just what is.. What are the Starseeds or Blue Ray Beings. Which are also known as Indigo, Star Child, or Crystal children that many may know or not know anything about. We have this new wave of consciousness that is sweeping over and many may not see it. Its not just a new age thing for it has many depths that I have attempted to uncover here. Take only what resonates with you.
I was recently told I was a Blue Ray
which another spiritual worker said
was also a laymans term for Indigo.
Essentially what this is, is a Star Child.
A Star Child or Starseeds are people
that have their spiritual story on planets
other than Earth. They have reincarnated
on other planets before being born here.
There are more Starseeds here now than
at any point in our history.
You can find many different views
and concepts around this which really
caused a desire to discover for myself
if there is more of a meaning behind this
new humanity that is being delivered
to us..?
Starseeds, contactees, channelers and the like
sounded silly at first, like some group that
seemed to be really into science fiction and UFOs.
However I always wondered and always felt
this urge or longing to go 'home,' or that home
was not here, existed somewhere far from here..
I had always felt I didn't originate here. However,
I knew for certain that there was something that
needed to be accomplished in this lifetime, an inner
purpose that kept calling to me.
It came like a calling from my higher self,
an inner knowing was becoming ever present
as it seemed time was moving faster and faster
every day. The sky, so wild, the people, so intense,
the land.. restless..
The immense changes that are going on now,
sending impulses to our minds. We are truly
changing now, emerging.
I seem to be triggered by these events,
this transition and have been gradually becoming
tired in my own body, feeling like I am becoming
lighter and lighter every day.
This is when these spiritual workers/healers, became more
and more clear to me, as the answers that are in our true
history started to be revealed..
The first thing that came to me is this:
You are on this planet to learn to stay positive,
even though there is much negativity around
in this world. You are here to learn the balance
of polarities and emotions.
The meaning to live is to become spiritual and learn to live
from the heart and to evolve in consciousness.
from the heart and to evolve in consciousness.
For some, it is an inner 'call' that must be heard..
I looked into these discoveries, have been communicating with many enlightened people with some of their insights included below but what stood out most was this feeling of an activation that was taking place. All my thoughts and emotions were stirring and changing, almost as though I was remembering or downloading something from another life, or many other lives for that matter. All my ideas on things changed and i was becoming attuned to some higher sense.
Blue Ray are beings being born as indigo's on our planet because our bodies now can hold a higher level of consciousness - higher dimensional awareness - Lisa Renee
:The Comic Pulse:
"You have passed through a cosmic gateway in Earths alignment to the Galactic center. You are in the great Purification. Very powerful energies of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation are taking place at a core level of your Being. This alignment is creating a heighten sensitive awareness. The comic pulse is awakening you to a greater life force bringing you into sacred union with all life.
Your ultra-sensitive nature is your intuitive empathic knowing that is of your true soul origin and will be your guide in the coming changes. We suggest that you begin to work with your sacred divine temples, the bodies, and honor this divine trait that will become invaluable to you in the future.
Receiving your spiritual name (Afra Sohar) brings a greater aspect of your divinity and sacred gifts.
In your world there will be shifting and continual regrouping until there is a settling. It could look like chaos until the realignment takes place. You will be the anchors though the storm, and yes you are ready and prepared as your soul has been in readiness since the beginning of time. By realigning your self on a daily basis to the flow and rhythms of Source/Creator, (Divine Alignment) you will live a life of grace and ease now and in the future.
:Your Gifts of Expansion, Continuous Change, Transforming and Evolving:
You are programmed for expansion as this is how the universe works in constant plenty. It is the reason that you do not like labels; restrictions are found in organized religions. You already know how to work with the universe and creation.
The Blue Ray have been preparing for when events and an inner knowing will activate you to reset your course to take a higher path. This activation will attuned you to your core essence and will affect your career, hobbies, goals and relationships.
The Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as humans. The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication. They are often mislabeled with psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Sadly, when they are medicated, the Indigos often lose their beautiful sensitivity, spiritual gifts and warrior energy...
Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination. In contrast, the Crystal Children are blissful and even-tempered. Sure, they may have tantrums occasionally, but these children are largely forgiving and easy-going. The Crystals are the generation who benefit from the Indigos trailblazing. First, the Indigo Children lead with a machete, cutting down anything that lacks integrity. Then the Crystal Children follow the cleared path, into a safer and more secure world.
The terms "Indigo" and "Crystal" were given to these two generations because they most accurately describe their aura colors and energy patterns. Indigo children have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. This is the color of the "third eye chakra", which is the energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions,
Indigos are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or school. They don't have the ability to dissociate from their feelings and pretend like everything's okay ...unless they are medicated or sedated. By their very presence, they assist others to move into these new vibrations and open up to their full potential as well. The Indigo-crystal gift to the planet is the gift of Evolution and access to our full potential, for every human being on the planet today, if they so choose.
We have been aware of our connections to the higher realms for many thousands of years, but have always felt that our "human" and material state somehow "shut" us off from our angelic inheritance. We would speak about our "Higher Self", knowing that we had access to this aspect of ourselves, but somehow it was not quite a part of who we were, and could only be accessed in meditation.
Part of the reason for this was that our physical forms were locked into the Third Dimension, but our Higher or Angelic self was of a much finer and higher vibration and was more at home in Higher Dimensions. So there was always a "gap" between the material manifestation of the human body and consciousness. As the consciousness ascends higher, the spiritual world comes closer, until there is no longer a "gap" but a continuum that is termed "Multi-Dimensional Consciousness".
The Third Dimensional being is aware of him or herself as a separate and unique individual. There is no real sense of the unity or oneness of consciousness that is a factor of higher dimensional consciousness. Because of this sense of separation, humans have built a society that has very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions. And because of this lack of awareness, humans have created a planet of sorrow and suffering, where individuals see no need to be responsible for their thoughts, feelings and actions. Fear of not surviving on the individual level, because of lack of resources, has led to greed and imbalances. At the Fourth Dimensional level of Consciousness, humans become aware of the Universal Law of One, otherwise known as "Unity Consciousness". This Law states that we are all One, we are all connected and that whatever affects one of us affects all of us. Indigo children carry this awareness in their consciousness, and it leads them to be warriors for many causes that will heal the Earth and stop humans from destroying and polluting their environment and harming other humans.
The Law of One also fosters the understanding in Indigo beings that we are all equal, and that no one is greater than any other. This group consciousness and group awareness is the path to the future for humans. We will learn to function cooperatively and for the good of all if we are to create the New Earth that we desire.
Indigos respect the talents and abilities of each individual, but these talents do not make any one greater than anyone else. The play of ego and self-importance has no real place in the life of an Indigo.
When an Indigo awareness opens into a higher dimension, it becomes aware of itself as a 'Creator.' When the Indigo awareness opens to this level, there is often a rejection of all belief systems and a consciousness of the freedom to create new and alternative ways of thinking and being.
When an adult Indigo consciousness makes the shift into the Crystal state, they enter into Sixth Dimensional awareness and the Christ Consciousness seed. A Crystal or Christed adult at this level is ready to take on a planetary mission as a carrier of higher dimensional consciousness to others. The work may involve teaching and healing on a grand scale, or it may simply be to carry the energy in the auric field so that others may access the higher vibrations in their own upwards ascension path.
The Crystal child and adult now carry the potential to open fully to the Ninth level or Full Christ Consciousness. This incorporates the Eighth level, or Archetypal level, where the being has full control over the "story" of their life on earth, and the Ninth level, where the being assumes full responsibility for stewardship of the Planet.
The potential then exists for the being to continue on the journey to the Tenth level, where the being accesses his or her Solar System responsibilities; the Eleventh level, where the Galactic level of consciousness is accessed and finally the Twelfth level, where the Gold Ray of Universal Consciousness inaugurates the being as a Full Universal Being. The Thirteenth level represents the Master, who enters into the Divine Mystery as a fully conscious spark of the Divine Creative Essence.
As can be seen from the above discussion, the Indigo-Crystal adventure represents a huge evolutionary leap for the human species. This is initially a huge leap in consciousness, reflected in the auric colors and the access to multidimensional layers of awareness in an individual.
But, what is manifest in the subtle or spiritual bodies must eventually make itself manifest in the physical or Earth plane body of each individual. And eventually, in the physical body of the Planet itself. Indigo and Crystal children and adults are an integral and dynamic part of the evolutionary leap into a new and Golden future." Source: http://www.crystalinks.com/childrensic.html
Within you is a programmed genetic coding to ‘seek’.
You are known in the universe as the ‘seekers’. You ask questions when many others do not even bother to think in that direction. You strive to remember where you have come from, you seek the oneness of love that you know lives as a singular event within your heart and you look for that in the eyes of all that you meet.
. Blue Rays are more reserved and quieter than the indigos and seem mystical in the way they look. Old souls may appear to be more ethereal looking or star born.
. You are about communication and expression through the creative arts and spirit. It is very important for you to express yourself. It's part of you mission.
· You will begin to feel happier as you experience more of your true essence. It will feel like a long lost friend has come home. The Blue Ray and ultra-sensitive had to shut parts of themselves down so as to not be overwhelmed with energies. This happy shift will bring more openness and receptivity.
· The animals and living beings collectively and individually will act as a barometer of what is really taking place in your world. Watch for their signs. Start communicating with them, as this ability is innate within you.
· Feeling cut off from God and your guides. The way in which you received divine guidance and inner knowing has shifted. You are actually at a master level. Know you are in a readjustment period where your connection will become even stronger.
· You will not feel comfortable in the old energies, bodies and situations; you will no longer be able to tolerate lower vibrating energies.
· Allow yourself to be creative as it assists you in being in the flow and in the sacred rhythms of the Creator.
. You forged a new path with only the direction of your soul; many obstacles and challenges were put before you and you followed your inner truth.
. You stood strong in the light of inner knowing, alone, as there were no churches or organizations to support who you truly were. You have accomplished more than most who have spent their entire lives working on a prestigious career in your created society. You were not given a medal, a trophy or certificate for your dynamic work and efforts, and many looked at you as different - in your own world. Yet this other world kept you connected to your true spiritual roots.
~:~ Esoteric Cosmic Pulse Shift Symptoms ~:~
• Disconnection from your birth family. Many will reconnect to their Earth families once some time has passed, at a healthier and higher level that is in greater alignment with the true Self. All Blue Rays will go through this at sometime.
~:~ What to do to help with the shift? ~:~
• Take a break from your routine - this allows for the energy to come in. There will be times when you will not be able to work as long as usual or do exactly what you did before. Listen to your own body rhythms and intuition and you will get more accomplished in the long run.
• Be expressive within yourself and to yourself and for yourself. Make art. Being creative will help you to stay in the rhythm and flow of Creator Source. Creative is the Creator energy.
• Now more than ever it is time to put yourself in Divine Alignment, allowing the Cosmic Pulse to flow through you unimpeded. It is time that the greater trust of your true self and divine nature takes the lead.
~:~ Your Mission ~:~
Expand Creation Consciousness, to evolve humanity.
It is time for letting go, finishing up and stepping into your unlimited potential as more light penetrates earth. Your world, governments and institutions will all be experiencing this as well. Much will fall so the light may shine.
It is time for letting go, finishing up and stepping into your unlimited potential as more light penetrates earth. Your world, governments and institutions will all be experiencing this as well. Much will fall so the light may shine.
Divine alignment or God consciousness starts with the higher feeling resonance with your lower self/body first, then higher self, then Nature and then God/Creation; this will keep you balanced, safe and in harmony as the great purification proceeds.
:Your Earth Bodies... a Secret Star Gate:
In the next stages of Light you will merge with your core essence and the universe will now support your true way of being. As you reach the cosmic alignment of 2012 you will awaken to your latent spiritual talents and abilities and all of your senses will become heightened. This galactic core alignment of 2012 will be just the beginning of living a life of your true design.
You will work with your sacred divine blue print and merge with the cosmic and planetary forces of light for support and knowledge. This will enable you to work with all soul beings of a divine higher frequency to bring powerful sacred healing and alignment to Gaia. (Spirit of Earth) This awakening will occur on a mass scale showing you how the unity of creation works and of what the souls together are truly capable of. Source:gobeangal@yahoo.com (Angela Robertson's Messages Of Light)
"Beloved, remember who I Am, I Am you.
I Am the part of you from Creation
speaking back to you,
answering your own questions
and thoughts."
I Am the part of you from Creation
speaking back to you,
answering your own questions
and thoughts."
"In regards to who we are and who we've become, we can realize that life has been a journey through time in which humanity evolved from living off the land in harmony with nature. Cultures existed in the wilderness, with their own tribes, with their own traditions. As we ventured into the 'unknown', we encountered eachother. What at first appeared as separate- became what we now can recognize as the same.
Your ultra-sensitive nature is your intuitive empathic knowing that is of your true soul origin and will be your guide in the coming changes. We suggest that you begin to work with your sacred divine temples, the bodies, and honor this divine trait that will become invaluable to you in the future.
:Challenges for the Blue Ray:
· Escape tendencies, being in the other realms or being alone to much, feeling lonely and different.
· Addictions or addictive tendency in earlier years.
· Chronic fatigue from always transforming energies or leaving the body to often and to long.
· Learning disabilities
· Difficulty and frustration in communicating.
· Were told: You were different. You're just imaging things. Get real.
· Can have entities, spirit attachments and negative thought forms come to you, because the Blue Ray transforms and shows them the light.
· Had genetic damage to transform.
· Are very adaptable and empathic, and therefore can stay in a dysfunction relationship, situation or environment to long.
· Need to maintain energetic boundaries and awareness and learn how to stay connected in the body"
Source: Blue Ray transmissions by Shekina www.shekinaspeaks.com-
In a dream I heard the words 'In leaps and bounds we will grow,
when we only begin to believe what we already know'
when we only begin to believe what we already know'
~:~ Guidance for all ~:~
Observe the feeling of your body.
Be aware of the breath.
Be aware of sound.
Be aware of sensation and thought.
Simply observe all that passes through your senses like watching a movie.
If there is agitation – let it be. If there is thought let it be. If there is sound and emotion – let it be.
Connecting with Earth energies will be vital to your balance. Touch the Earth everyday and allow your connection to strengthen.
Focus gives us sustained action to produce results. It allows us to move towards our goal or destination regardless of doubt, fear or external distraction. Focus is the strength to persist, the key to transforming lack of discipline into discipline. It is the "secret" to success in any area.
Without focus positive thinking will never work, ideas will never be created, conscious change will never take place.
Without focus real manifestation never gets beyond moments of inspiration. Dreams remain dreams.
Awareness is knowing where we want to go. Focus is the engine that brings us to our destination.
Focus whether used for physical or mental experience is a trait of the mind - and so it is here where it is developed and trained.
Through practice we learn to deepen our focus as well as lengthen the amount of time that we can maintain it.
Start with this:
1. Breathe deeply into your lower abdomen allowing your mind as much as possible to "be with" the breath. Imagine your breath being infused with focused energy as it flows in and filling your body as you exhale with clear, focus.
2. Allow your breath to be natural and simply observe the rise and fall of your abdomen and front torso area as you breathe. Do nothing except maintain awareness.
The first technique is "active" in that you are consciously directing energy to your body and mind - it is a "doing" method.
The second technique is "receptive" in that you are "listening" or "observing" the breath doing what it normally, naturally does. It is a "being" method.
Most people who practice this technique will find that within seconds their minds will wander. This is the training ground for learning to bring the mind back to the object of focus, in this case the breath. If we whip the mind back to the object over time we will create resentment and tension. It is far more effective to simply favor the object of focus. There is a balance between relaxing too much that the mind drifts away and using just the right amount of concentration. As with all things practice will refine your understanding of what works best for you.
I suggest practicing the first method for a given amount of time then shifting to the second method for the same time. The active method helps to bring energy into the body, the receptive method helps to let the body adapt and make focus and observation natural.
Regular practice will bring results. Even 1 minute a day in the beginning is better than nothing. It is also better to practice every day than doing 1 long session a week. Regularity helps the body and mind adapt easier. Whatever you do, 1 minute or 1 hour - do your best to give 100% to the time you allocate.
These methods are what will make positive thinking work. They are the engine behind emotional mastery. ~ Angela Robertson Messages of Light
Be the will to good, the will to creation, that means service to others .. you :will: find yourself :accelerating:
We must first become masterful of vibrations and possibilities. This is the focus of the Shift. We have to become masterful of our thoughts and feelings in this dimension as well as in the next. We will continue to stumble in our advancement unless and until we become masterful of our thoughts and feelings. Masters of our emotions is the key.
I would say that the first personal higher consciousness thinking, is… to live in the now. The best tool or trick you can use to harness this reality is to work on the following concept; to not think of what happened yesterday, to not have any weight be given to how you felt yesterday for they can hinder your efforts in the present..
Know that what you do presently is what matters most. What emotion and vibration you choose to reflect is where your present self will transfer and all that are around that energy field. SO what mattered in the past serves no purpose for where you want to go in the now.
These tools are learned through the mastery of your emotions. This is experienced by mastering your thoughts (reasoning) and by doing this, you are changing your thinking and thus changing your feeling, your energy changes and those around you accompany this effect.
We must practice this by 'clearing' and working on 'grounding' ourselves. There are many spiritual practices for this. But what we should focus on is to clear the density of third dimensional thoughts and emotions so they will become one.
This whole oneness idea to me is a way to realize that we are all energy and what we put our energy into is what is therefore manifested in all those that share the same energy field. The way we think is the basis of how our days turn out and how our feelings and actions react. And we are highly reactive if you haven't noticed. If we truly knew the power of thought we could have an expansive range of beautiful outcomes but we have to make the conscious choice to develop in our awareness of these things first. By just thinking about it puts energy into this.
A vast majority of people on this planet are not prepared to be the masters of their every thought, emotion, feeling, and action. We must begin a great search.
Going within, you are -finding- ways to 'merge' with your mental body, emotional body, your physical body, and your spiritual body.. this is the created 'Soul' that is you, in this lifetime.. (Another thing to look into is, The Central Channel, which is a bridge of energy and consciousness between highest spirit and lowest matter. The building of the Central Vertical Channel is both a personal work and a planetary service. The substance of the body that you ensoul as an individual is part of the body of the planet. The planet is a living entity with a consciousness. The intelligence aspect of the planet is called the Planetary Logos. Your Central Channel forms part of the Central Channel of the Planetary Logos. See: soul1.org/CentralChannel.htm)
By going within you are searching.. seeking toward becoming one with the Soul. We may not be able to fully grasp how to do this consciously by ourselves but one thing I tell my self is that I am at the very least working on alignment. I am trying to align all my energy in this way. These projections of consciousness have the ability to sweep across the land and through others and come back to you with through cause and effect. So the key, align yourself to a higher vibration, and it resonates and merges with the energy (people) around you.
For now, build a new field of energy in your environment. This is done first by paying attention to our thoughts for then we are able to see more clearly. When our habits change our perspectives change. Its this perspective that is the first result of this slow start we must make.
Building a new field of energy in our environment is done first by simply cleaning your living space. In doing this it propels your thoughts forward, as well as your perspective, as well as creates new habits and more important changes. You will see with all the many different holy sites of the world that cleanliness is a primary thing you will first notice. With a new clean space, this brings you a new clear energy and environment to meditate in.
The infinite intelligence of Creation is in the breath. Its your connection to your infinite intelligence.
By connecting to the body, ( re-(spirt)-ation ) we connect to the spirit.
When you connect to the body through the breath you become present, you show up, your here, now.
It also allows you to move energy.
It is a gate of many gates, as you breath deeply and fully and relaxed theres an allowing of that gate to open, to allow the life-force (Creation-Source) to move through you.
But if your breath is irregular, partial or shallow,, then that constricted, tight, and gagged feeling is the result.
When you truly breath you become more conscious, you start to step into the higher mind.
When Creation first started to warm up it began to vibrate, everything was vibrating, and breath is vibration, so when your breathing you are breathing in this prana (primordial life force) which allows you to 'align.' And as you resonate with that vibration of Creation, you become in alignment with Creation. You also align with your own unique expression of creation though your own breath.
We need to completely change the way we think and act completely change our vision .. to think completely in a different way, so that our souls can thrive. We need the opportunity to see new things that are to help us be able to grow, in the media, institutions, in films and in education, but we must first start with ourselves.
“Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
But you are the eternity and you are the mirror.”
— Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

But you are the eternity and you are the mirror.”
— Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
~:~ Prayers/Affirmations ~:~
...To bring us into greater alignment..
I declare my intention to commit to my soul and I am willing to do what it takes to be a Knower of my Divine Purpose.
I stand tall in the Light of Love.
I have all of my being, all of my energy fields, focused upon the One We All Are.
And I rejoice in the empowerment even now coming more into my fields,
Love and Light unending, lifting me up, because I give permission for it to be so!
I give permission to Myself to claim my Sovereign Freedom, to fly upon my
path of mission, to heal all that is to be healed within me, to receive inspirations
from the totality of the Love I AM, and to be inspired even more by the
One We All Are, and to give unceasingly, unendingly, of this great Love Light I AM
I embrace Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms. And I say to all, below, on,
and above this bright Planet: I AM here to serve, and I renew my vow of commitment,
even as I express infinite Love, Respect, and Gratitude to all members of Mother
Gaia's Kingdoms, and all of the Light Beings. And I recognize that I AM Light
Being in the body of the Human. And I give permission to my Beloved Body to
hold these higher energies of Love and Light, to lift up even more, and to remember
at all times, Who I AM, Divine Being in mission and service to all, planet Earth
and beyond. And I join with all Divine Beings in the Universe to further even more
the Ascension of Planet Earth.
Commit to your evolution, go in to your heart, you will be guided and connected.
Connect to inner source daily.
Keep practicing cleaning yourself with the light of Existence.
Ask Creation to show you what you have to heal within your self.
Fill yourself with the love from Creation.
Watch your thoughts.
Turn them around with positive energy.
Visualize that you are receiving love, life and wisdom from
Existence, the Source of Creation.
I wish you all to just b r e a t h e .
Feel your breath completely... become one with your breath....
And let it consume you entirely.
Your job now, is to awaken.
The future of life on earth depends upon the mass collective consciousness of the people.
Afra Sohar
Connect to inner source daily.
Keep practicing cleaning yourself with the light of Existence.
Ask Creation to show you what you have to heal within your self.
Fill yourself with the love from Creation.
Watch your thoughts.
Turn them around with positive energy.
Visualize that you are receiving love, life and wisdom from
Existence, the Source of Creation.
I wish you all to just b r e a t h e .
Feel your breath completely... become one with your breath....
And let it consume you entirely.
Your job now, is to awaken.
The future of life on earth depends upon the mass collective consciousness of the people.
Afra Sohar
The human being is merely a stage in the evolution of cosmic consciousness.
We are an extension of evolving consciousnesses and spirit..
~:~ Cosmic Sky Teachings ~:~
* http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_011
Most Beautiful and Teaching my Dear T.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to ReEncounter You
and what you Have to Show.
Thank you, that was very beautiful.
I ReMember.
ReplyDelete• I honor that place in you where the entire universe dwells,
I honor that place in you that is a place of love, truth, light.
And I know that when you are in that place within you, and
I am in that place in me, you and I are one.
• I love you with the wisdom of the spirit that dwells in you and me.
• You and your spirit are welcome,
Our being and glory of our spirit, The Creation is..
The world’s happenings are dependent on thoughts:
ReplyDeleteI) At first the human must seek the truth, find it, gain knowledge from it and expand on it.
II) As second step the human must correct his thoughts in a controlling manner and align them with the truth of his gained knowledge.
III) As third step the human must, through his knowledge and his thoughts, create his inner harmony.
IV) As fourth step the human must, based on his inner harmony, correct, straighten out, form and harmonize his own character.
V) As fifth step the human must correct, straighten out, form and harmonize his direct environment, his family life.
VI) As sixth step the human must correct, straighten out, form and harmonize his near environment of friends, mates and acquaintances.
VII) As seventh step the human is then capable to correct, to straighten out, to form, to harmonize and to lead a group of humans, the mass of humanity, the state and the world in a wise, humane and creational-just and law-like way.
"A set of light, airy vibrations like 'beauty' or 'graciousness' has a low, soft, electrical charge that is expansive and fluid. Whereas heavier, uglier thoughts come highly charged and wrapped in highly magnetic emotions. These thoughts are not only harder to clear than kind, loving thoughts; they also bond magnetically to all other thoughts. Thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic."
ReplyDelete~ Jim Self
Other Notes:
To focus intention
Self mastery
and connecting to the cosmic mind
Connecting with Earth energies will be vital to your ascension and balance. Touch the Earth everyday and allow your connection to strengthen.
Acting from the intelligence of our Higher Mind;
Choose one word each day and live with it all day, think it and feel it often.
Certainty, Capable, Happy, Graciousness, Commanding and Focused
To clear emotions and feelings that no longer served you for your highest good, it was necessary to recognize, what emotions and feelings you were ready to clear and release from your body and your vibrations. In order to do this, you had to connect with Creator. You do this by using the Invocation to Clear and Release Emotions below and the following visualization.
ReplyDeleteYou connected to Creator by saying in silence:
“I call upon the Infinite Mind; The Prime Creator; The Source of All That Is. Repeat this 3 times in silence and Creator will be in your presence. Then you declare to Creator, your intent to do so. You would say: It is my intent to clear and release __________________________ (name the emotion, feelings or thought patterns that you want to clear and release), then you would declare the following invocation: I claim it I own it I created it I lived it I loved it I learned from it And no one can take it from me, not even Creator
“Then you release it by your own free will, since you recognized that it no longer serves you for your highest good. You release it with the Intent to send it to the Light of Creator. You now declare this by saying: “I now release it by my own free will, for it no longer serves me for my highest good and I send it to the Light of Creator, to be changed back to the Light.
““Now you would do the visualization. You may feel it as energy or heat traveling upward, through your body. You would visualize the clearing as energy, or moving light, coming up from the bottom of your feet, going up through your entire body and exiting out through your crown chakra and going up to the Light of Creator. Creator will do the clearing and releasing out of your body cells and your entire vibrational field, clearing it from your vibration.
This declaration is done in silence to clear and release emotions, feelings and thought patterns. This same invocation works to break stubborn habits and it is done by speaking the invocation verbally, out loud. The visualization is done the same way. For those who have eyes to see, you would see clearing and releasing as a cloud of smoke coming out of the crown chakra, then the cloud of smoke vanishes.”
DNA in the Sands of Time” by J. Justice
“They will return again. All over the Earth, They are returning again. Ancient Teachings of the Earth, ancient songs of the Earth. They are returning again. My friend, they are returning. I give them to you, And through them You will understand, You will see. They are returning again upon the Earth.” Crazy Horse Oglala Sioux