We are unfolding, emerging.
Those who have heard the trumpets in the sky,
Who see the ancient butterfly in their hearts,
Be ready…

The Earth is anchoring a new frequency, you are the new ones.
Be prepared, you shall see the truth that was denied to you for so long.
The Starseeds came faster to volunteer and assist in the development and awakening.
Who see the ancient butterfly in their hearts,
Be ready…

The Earth is anchoring a new frequency, you are the new ones.
Be prepared, you shall see the truth that was denied to you for so long.
The Starseeds came faster to volunteer and assist in the development and awakening.

We came from the higher realms to teach and raise the power of the minds and heart,
Some are message bringers, some are light workers,

We now are emerging from the 3d matrix to the crystalline,
Your emotions were always your connections to Source Self,
Now a full awareness of manifestation is in bloom.
We are becoming a match to the higher realms, seeing the full beauty of our infinite selves,
Your lessons now will come from the Great Mother on co-creation.

The trees, plants, animals will have more meaning now, you will read them and speak with them.

Our efforts were of light so we ascended,
This shift is a portal toward eternal compassion.

Open your eyes to the sun of infinity within your hearts,
Hear the voice of the daystar of eternity in your minds,
Connect them together and see the light within you, forever.
"The new cosmic human or super human"
ReplyDeleteAs the collective resonance of today's civilization peeks there will be a collapse of that which was once programmed. This will bring about a global awakening, it is happening already and children that are born without programs have come directly in essence from other star systems are here for this process.. I was born unable to be programmed, retaining all light
I appreciate you and your words, my beloved light brother, when you speak you are heard.