Starseed language by Afra Sohar (higher self)
Posted during Taraz's silent vacation
All emotions -
based on desires....
Take anger.. this is being victimized by the matrix, so...
Don't make it specific on it being with people, everything's just energy transferred around, don't get caught up in the matrix.
Its time to transform your path by transforming you pain by showing gratitude to all of your experiences, all your pain, all who are connected to this.
And we all must start showing gratitude towards every new pain, problem or unpleasant event that occurs to us. For within that gratitude comes a moment, the moment of being present to your evolved awareness.
Follow your path, follow your inclinations, see with your feelings, and hear with your emotions, guide the lost ones and love with the full scope of oneness.
Challenge your own state of being, by paying attention to your outlook, your perspective, this awareness allows you to move beyond the emotion, by changing your attitude, and then by changing your perspective, you transcend.
Discover now the gift of transcendence, discover now within the depths of your being your own light.
Fuel your thoughts now with bold belonging, knowing who you are standing firm in your feet, change your thoughts with intentions, your motivations with actions.. change with these affirmations:
1. I am endless.
2. I am shadowless.
3. I release all personality.
4. I awaken to the fullness of my being.
5. I am surrendered to Infinite Intent.
6. The currents of eternity flow through me.
7. I am the one and the many.
8. I am open to receive from myself.
~:~ I Channel in order to Dream ~:~
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